Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Girls Camps Let Girls Just Be Girls

Girls Camps Let Girls Just Be Girls
By Candice Sabrina

Parents of pre-teens and teens are often loathe to allow their young daughters to attend co-ed summer camp. Fortunately, there s a very good alternative. Girls camps let girls enjoy all the traditional summer camp fun without the interference of boys or the worry on the part of their parents.

Most girls camps are set up just like any traditional summer camp in a woodsy setting. The only real difference is the fact the co-ed situation is not a part of the fare. What girls and their parents can expect at these camps, includes:

* Friendship building. Many campers at these retreats make lifelong, or at least summer long, friends. The opportunity for girls to be girls is a great way to help teens make new friends, even from remote or faraway locations.

* Skill building. Youth who take part in girls camps have the opportunity to learn all kinds of new things. From the proper way to start a fire and blaze a trail to how to fish for a big bass, it s all possible.

* Activities. The activities at these camps tend to mirror many other co-ed summer camps. This means such things as hiking, swimming, sports, canoeing, horseback riding and even tent camping will all be involved. Some camps even offer archery and other related activities.

* Self-esteem building. Many of the activities involved in these camps are designed to help girls gain their own footing and build their self-esteem without the pressure of having young men around.

* Team building. This is another aspect quite common of this type of summer camp. Whether it s cabin against cabin volley ball games, a scavenger hunt or team canoeing, working as a team is often emphasized, as well.

Parents looking at different summer camp possibilities will find there are specific girls camps all over the country. From actual faraway retreats to locations closer to home that might only offer day programs, these non-coed camps can be found.

When looking at different girls camps, it s a very good idea to consider:

* Activities. Does the roster offer things that might appeal to your child? Would she really enjoy hiking and archery or would horseback riding be more up her alley? Try to match the child s interests with the camp for the best outcome.

* Credentials. This is especially so for overnight camps, but is a good question to inquire about for day ones, as well. It is a very good idea to know why a camp is qualified to teach and care for a group of youth.

* Reputation. It does not hurt to find out what previous campers have thought about the experience. Do former campers return, or do they run screaming for the hills? Look for references or ask for them and then do check them out.

Girls camps can be a great alternative to co-ed adventures for pre-teens and teens. Providing an environment for girls to have fun just being girls, these camps tend to be very popular with campers and their parents, too!

Still looking for the perfect summer camp? Try visiting - a website that specializes in providing camp advice, tips and resources including information on girls camp.



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