Sunday, December 16, 2007

Yu-Gi-Oh and Friends Trading Cards: Making New From Old

Yu-Gi-Oh and Friends Trading Cards: Making New From Old
By Gail Leino

Exploring the Japanese Anime Yu-Gi-Oh offers a great bit of detailed artwork to explore, filled with imaginary creatures of good and bad nature. As a parent, we may be tempted to shy our child away from these types of animations and trading card games when in fact we might be doing them a favor by allowing them participate. Far too often we expect our children to grow up and think sensibly when at most times, what the world need is some new innovative thinkers. Here are some ideas on how you can encourage your child to embrace the fantasy world of Yu-Gi-Oh and his friends, expand their imaginations, and become actively creative.

What is this game all about?

Basically, what Yu-Gi-Oh and his friends have created is an atmosphere for themselves and other kids to make believe. By using cards that display Characters of both good and evil, they act out and creatively tailor a story plot to their own desires. There are some essential rules and regulations that apply to everyone and even others that apply to specific individual characters when playing the games. This creative mind path creates many positive ways of thinking as does a similar game we know as chess.

How can this further their own thinking skills when everything is already laid out in the rules?

Encourage them to make their own rendition of the game. They can use the same characters or new ones new rules and new fun to be had by all. If they are partial to the ever popular game card idea, set them to work with some old materials that they can revamp.

Worn color books and story books of all different types are often thrown out as the seams begin to tear. Instead of tossing the overused Yu-Go-Oh text out to the trashcan, now would be a great time to help your child expand his imagination. With these pages, allow them to cut out the figures of their favorite characters and make their own cards, making up new rules and regulations as they see fit. They can even create their own characters. Once they have done this, have them engage some friends in the same activities and they will undoubtedly be popular kids on the block.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet s leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies (, using proper etiquette, and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free coloring sheets, printable games, and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Party Themes ( to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties is at the Party Theme Shop. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.


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