Monday, January 21, 2008

Card Games for Kids

Card Games for Kids
By Jimmy Sturo

A child s mind is constantly growing and developing. They require constant stimulation educationally in order to fully develop analytical and logical skills to their full potential. Of course, children would rather play games rather than read a book. However, if you allow them to spend their time playing mindless games that do not aid in their intellectual growth, they will not fully grow mentally.

Card games are especially easy to use as educational tools for children. Playing the right type of card games can significantly enhance a child s mental calculating abilities, as well as problem solving skills.

Since card games involve numbers and a degree of mental calculation, math card games are to help children learn multiplication table, as well as hone their mental calculation skills that they constantly use.

An example of one educational game kids can play with cards is a game called "war." The game requires a deck of cards for each team of two players. Before the game starts, children write Ace = 1, J = 10, Q = 11, K = 12 on a board. They pair up and shuffle the deck and deal the cards evenly -- stacking them face down in front of them. Both players turn over their top card at the same time and multiply the two cards and shout the answer. The winner puts the cards in his or her winning pile. In case of a tie, players keep turning the cards until someone wins the pile. When the entire stack has been played, the winner has the most points.

Card Games provides detailed information on Card Games, Online Card Games, Free Card Games, Poker Card Games and more. Card Games is affiliated with Mahjong Tiles.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Kid Movie Party Theme

Kid Movie Party Theme
By Mike Dougherty

Lights! Camera! Action!

Now with our exclusive movie party theme, your birthday child can star in their own movie!

That s right, with fun kid birthday parties one-of-a-kind movie making adventure, you can turn your child s birthday party into a movie making party they ll never forget.

Imagine how excited your birthday child will be when they get to tell all their party guests that everyone is going to be in a movie... Wow! This is going to be super fun.

"The Great Birthday Treasure Hunt" is an original 3 minute mini-movie script exclusively from Fun Kid Birthday Parties and it s yours absolutely FREE.

And when you order your free movie script we ll even send you our easy to follow tips on how to put together this super fun one-of-a-kind movie party theme that everyone will love... And you ll have a great time too!

Movie Party Theme

Everyone has dreamed of starring in a movie... And now your birthday child can star in "The Great Birthday Treasure Hunt" a fun 3 minute movie production.

Movie Party Invitations

Make your invitations into a "Movie Star Contract." You might write something like this:

Movie Star Contract

"You re so talented and glamorous that (your family name) Productions would like for you to sign this fun contract to appear in our latest blockbuster movie production titled "The Great Birthday Treasure Hunt."

We re celebrating (first and last name of birthday child) s birthday on (day and date of the party) at our (your family name) Productions movie studios from (start time and end time of your party).

(First and last name of birthday child) will be starring in our movie adventure and wants you to be one of the movie s co-stars.

"The Great Birthday Treasure Hunt" will be filmed on location in and around our movie studio.

Our movie party theme will include time for autographs, movie games and activities, movie screenings and our studio commissary will be providing delicious movie production treats for our entire cast.

Please sign this Movie Star Contract and call your agent (name of agent to ask for) at (telephone number) to RSVP for your movie star roll in our original movie production."

The (family name) Productions movie studio is located at (address).

Come dressed as your favorite movie character. (or you can have everyone show up in whatever costume you d like, western, The Incredibles, Princess, fashion, or whatever theme you want).

Movie Party Theme Decorations

Your decorations can include a director s chair, a megaphone, scene slate, light cut outs, camera cut outs, studio signs like "Hot Set". "Birthday Movie Set", "Hollywood Studio". .

Movie Party Theme Games And Activities

You can make your movie production your entire party or you can set up some movie related activities and games.

Movie Party Theme, Screen Your Dailies

After you shoot the scenes for your movie, "The Great Birthday Treasure Hunt", you can screen the raw unedited footage. Your guest will love seeing everything, including all the fun out-takes and bloopers.

Movie Party Theme, Snacks And Refreshments

Movie sets always have lots of snack food nearby for all the actors and crew... Favorites include M & M candies, Gummy Bears, nuts, fruit slices, veggie slices, chips and dips and any other finger snacks your birthday child might like. Have fun and put a sign on your table that reads "Studio Commissary".

Kid Movie Party World Premiere

One of the fun things about shooting a movie as a special birthday party is that you can have a second party as well. We ve done this and everyone loved it!

Once your movie is edited, you ll want to have your movies "World Premiere."

Print out some movie ticket invitations, roll out a red carpet, invite the "paparazzi" (photographers) to snap pictures and video as your stars arrive.

Have some popcorn, screen your movie!

Follow your movie s world premiere with an Academy Awards style party. Hand out awards (special best actor certificates) to all your actors! And let everyone make an acceptance speech. This is a lot of fun. This will be a movie premiere that everyone will remember!

To get you started on this unique, one-of-a-kind movie making adventure, Fun Kid Birthday Parties will send you a copy of our 3 minute movie script, "The Great Birthday Treasure Hunt" absolutely free. And we ll include our easy to follow tips on how to put together this fun movie production for your birthday child.

To get your free kids movie party script visit us at and fill out the easy form at the bottom of the page.

Mike Dougherty is a movie and television writer, producer, director, video editor and regional Emmy award winning videographer. Most recently as a Hollywood screenwriter "the Long Ride Home" a western movie starring Randy Travis is based on Mike Dougherty s short script. Mike is now webmaster of his site and the blog


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

That Terrible Ivan had Syphilis

That Terrible Ivan had Syphilis
By John T Jones, Ph.D.

Ivan the Terrible was the Fourth Russian Ivan. He was the very first Tsar of Russia. He was born in August 25, 1530 and passed on to the Great Beyond, or more likely to Hades, on March 18, 1584.

You can read about Terrible Ivan at

Ivan the Terrible had an unhappy childhood.

To add insult to injury, he married seven times which guaranteed him to also have an unhappy adulthood.

He was crazy, crazy, crazy. He threw dogs and cats out the windows of the Kremlin. That was not nice.

Ivan accidentally killed his son. It was during an argument so it may have been accidentally on purpose.

Some people just didn t like Ivan. When they dug up his old bones they found that he had been poisoned by mercury.

Some say he was not poisoned on purpose. Some say he was.


Those who say Ivan the Terrible was not poisoned think he was simply taking mercury to heal a social disease called syphilis.

Syphilis is an unpleasant venereal disease which you don t want to catch. Here are some facts:

Syphilis is caused by a bacterium. His name is Treponema pallidum. Don t ever trust him!

Syphilis can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy. That is a very sad happening.

Syphilis comes from sexual contact with an infected partner. Some strains such as those in Korea are very persistent. That means they just won t go away with normal treatment.

Syphilis goes hand-in-hand with HIV. They just love to attract each other.

African-Americans seem to be more attractive to Treponema pallidum. Be ware of that critter!

Syphilis occurs in Stages 1, 2, Latent, and 3. Treatment is available and is especially effective in the early stages.

If you are sexually active with multiple partners, or if you receive treatment for any other venereal disease, then ask you doctor or health services provider to test you for syphilis.

If you have symptoms of syphilis, tell your friends to get tested too.

In the late stages of syphilis, Mr. Treponema pallidum attacks every organ of your body. It can make you blind, deaf, or crippled. It can stop your heart with time. It can destroy your nervous system.

During World War II, the military showed "VD Films" showing victims of syphilis in the late stages. The object was to promote the use of condoms and venereal disease prevention kits. The result was that it scared the hell out of the GIs.

If you have a sore of any kind in your genital areas, especially if the sore does NOT hurt, see a doctor at once. The sore called a chancre will go away but Mr. Treponema pallidum keeps chugging away. Later you may get a rash.

Read the information provided by the National Institute of Health and Human Services at

To learn about the origins of syphilis go to

Ivan the Terrible didn t have our modern treatment methods. He did what he could.

More on Ivan the Terrible

Read more about Ivan the Terrible at and

I couldn t find any Ivan the Terrible jokes. I guess he just wasn t funny. Well, here is one of my own:

Question: Why did Ivan the Terrible throw dogs and cats out the Kremlin windows?

Answer: He was in correspondence with Galileo Galilei (1564-1642).

So how bad was Ivan the Terrible?

Well, Jozef Stalin admired him. (Read about Stalin s cruelty at

So he definitely was IVAN THE TERRIBLE!

copyright©2006 John T. Jones, Ph.D.

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (, a retired VP of R&D for Lenox China, is author of detective & western novels, nonfiction (business, scientific, engineering, humor), poetry, etc. Former editor of Ceramic Industry Magazine. He is Executive Representative of IWS sellers of Tyler Hicks wealth-success books and kits. He also sells TopFlight flagpoles. He calls himself "Taylor Jones, the hack writer."

More info:

Business web site:


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Girls Camps Let Girls Just Be Girls

Girls Camps Let Girls Just Be Girls
By Candice Sabrina

Parents of pre-teens and teens are often loathe to allow their young daughters to attend co-ed summer camp. Fortunately, there s a very good alternative. Girls camps let girls enjoy all the traditional summer camp fun without the interference of boys or the worry on the part of their parents.

Most girls camps are set up just like any traditional summer camp in a woodsy setting. The only real difference is the fact the co-ed situation is not a part of the fare. What girls and their parents can expect at these camps, includes:

* Friendship building. Many campers at these retreats make lifelong, or at least summer long, friends. The opportunity for girls to be girls is a great way to help teens make new friends, even from remote or faraway locations.

* Skill building. Youth who take part in girls camps have the opportunity to learn all kinds of new things. From the proper way to start a fire and blaze a trail to how to fish for a big bass, it s all possible.

* Activities. The activities at these camps tend to mirror many other co-ed summer camps. This means such things as hiking, swimming, sports, canoeing, horseback riding and even tent camping will all be involved. Some camps even offer archery and other related activities.

* Self-esteem building. Many of the activities involved in these camps are designed to help girls gain their own footing and build their self-esteem without the pressure of having young men around.

* Team building. This is another aspect quite common of this type of summer camp. Whether it s cabin against cabin volley ball games, a scavenger hunt or team canoeing, working as a team is often emphasized, as well.

Parents looking at different summer camp possibilities will find there are specific girls camps all over the country. From actual faraway retreats to locations closer to home that might only offer day programs, these non-coed camps can be found.

When looking at different girls camps, it s a very good idea to consider:

* Activities. Does the roster offer things that might appeal to your child? Would she really enjoy hiking and archery or would horseback riding be more up her alley? Try to match the child s interests with the camp for the best outcome.

* Credentials. This is especially so for overnight camps, but is a good question to inquire about for day ones, as well. It is a very good idea to know why a camp is qualified to teach and care for a group of youth.

* Reputation. It does not hurt to find out what previous campers have thought about the experience. Do former campers return, or do they run screaming for the hills? Look for references or ask for them and then do check them out.

Girls camps can be a great alternative to co-ed adventures for pre-teens and teens. Providing an environment for girls to have fun just being girls, these camps tend to be very popular with campers and their parents, too!

Still looking for the perfect summer camp? Try visiting - a website that specializes in providing camp advice, tips and resources including information on girls camp.


Send a Message with the Flight 007 Game - A Fun and Easy Paper Airplane Game

Send a Message with the Flight 007 Game - A Fun and Easy Paper Airplane Game
By Sara Gray

If you ve got a secret to blab or a note to pass to a fellow spy, the Flight 007 Game is just the trick you need... Simply, fold a paper airplane, using any design you want (but the more complex the better - The Karate Kid is a good one to make - follow the link below at the Easy Paper Airplanes Web site to find out how to make it and others.)

Then, carefully unfold the whole paper airplane, looking as you do, for writing spaces on your piece of paper, that get folded up inside when you make the paper airplane.

Almost every paper airplane has a little bit that you couldn t possibly see when it s folded and finished. When you find that perfect writing space, write your note in it, refold your airplane, and deliver your message via plain ol airmail.

If you want to make better flying machines, learn some neat tricks and folding techniques for making perfect paper airplanes. The main rule is: Perfect folds = perfect paper airplanes. Basically, when your folding is sloppy, you will have numerous problems flying a paper airplane straight and true. Practice makes perfect as the saying goes. So, even though you may be making a paper airplane for sending a secret message, keep in mind that the better it flies, the more chances you have of it landing at it s intended destination!

For more paper airplane games and activities, follow the link below. Enjoy and use your imagination! You can probably come up with all kinds of ways to have fun with paper airplanes. Note passing is just one of many ideas...

Sara Gray is a Mom and graphic designer with a love for anything made of paper. She s created a fun place to learn all about Paper Airplanes, its history, interesting facts, loads of fascinating tidbits of paper airplane lore, fun games, activities, and crafts, and offers free downloadable paper airplane designs at Easy Paper Airplanes.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Finding an Affordable Prom Dress

Finding an Affordable Prom Dress
By Stephanie Smith

It s not supposed to happen, but sometimes it does. The day is approaching. It s almost here, the day that you have dreamed about since you were a little girl- it s your prom. You have visualized the gown you would wear, your gorgeous hairstyle, in fact you even had the boy picked out who would be your date, but now, something has gone terribly wrong- you are short on cash and need to buy a gown. Well, worry no more, there are plenty of ways that you can find a cheap prom dress and still look like a million bucks. It s your day, your prom, and you don t have to let anything spoil it, not even an outrageous price tag.

Cheap Prom Dress: Look Online

Technology has afforded us many opportunities that weren t available in the past. Just a few decades ago, shopping was limited to weekend drives to stores, window-shopping, and catalogue orders. Today, the Internet allows us the opportunity to browse many resources all with the click of the mouse. By browsing many of the links found here at this site, you can virtually browse many stores and outlets and find the inexpensive prom dress that you are looking for. Don t underestimate the power of virtual comparative shopping. You ll find an inexpensive prom dress out there, waiting for you. All you have to do is browse for it.

How to Buy an Affordable Prom Dress Online

Once you have found an affordable prom dress that appeals to you the most, you will need to purchase it. If you are new to shopping over the Internet here are some tips to help you through the process. There is no reason that you can t have a successful Internet shopping experience and save money by purchasing your prom dress online.

First, if you are unsure about a company, call their customer service number. Most websites include the customer service number under the "contact us" button. If you don t find a customer service phone number, you may not want to place the order. This is a good indication that you would have a difficult time contacting the company if there was a problem with the order.

Always check out a company with the Better Business Bureau. Even Internet sites have been listed and reviewed and this is the safest way to ensure that you are dealing with a reputable company.

After speaking with a customer service representative by phone, and reviewing the company with the Better Business Bureau, you should feel confident in placing your order.

Going to the prom? You ll find tips on how to find an inexpensive prom dress, matching shoes and tips to make your hairstyle work for you.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Crime Of Teen Obesity

The Crime Of Teen Obesity
By Rita Lambros-Segur

Obesity is defined as an excessive accumulation of body fat, which is identified through the concept of Body Mass Index (BMI). Specifically, overweight refers to an excess body weight with a BMI of 25 to 29.9. However, individuals with a BMI of 30 or more are considered obese. Although our society is preoccupied with the "art" of thinness, obesity is finally recognized as an increasing health problem.

Furthermore, children who suffer with obesity are more likely to become obese adolescents and obese adolescents will likely become obese adults. According to data collected in the late 1990s by the National Center of Health Statistics, obesity increased dramatically amongst Americans of all ages. The number of children and teens from ages six to nineteen who are overweight accounts for fifteen percent (almost nine million). This percentage significantly tripled according to the data collected in 1980.

This common eating disorder usually associated with adolescents can weaken physical health and well being as well as shortened life expectancy. Although as children, they typically experience less weight- related health issues, however as adults, the risks monopolize. As an adolescent, especially, the development of personal identity and body image is rather important. Unfortunately, that concept is inversed by constant taunting and poor treatment. Significantly enough, some children are more critical of themselves.

A particularly high percentage of children struggling with obesity, particularly girls, become clinically depressed as a result of a preoccupation with being overweight. As previously mentioned, obesity has the tendency to result in medical problems. The more prominent problems could be Cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory and metabolic diseases to name a few.

More over, it has been researched to manifest itself through psychological hardship. Subsequently, obesity in adolescents will require a combination of treatment to include behavioral change therapy to deter negative self-esteem and the physical health component.

Shocking numbers show that one in every five children in the Unites States is overweight while every fourth child is obese in Australia. As these are saddening percentages, the United States has discovered the main causes of this epidemic. The fundamental factors that contribute to obesity are the lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating habits, genetics or a combination of each. Basically, obesity is enhanced as the energy intake exceeds energy expenditure from physical activity.

With the predominance of the electronic revolution, children and adolescents are focused on the televisions, electronic games, videos and DVDs instead of outdoor physical activities. Studies reveal that approximately twenty- five percent of young (ages 12- 21 years) report that they are not involved in any vigorous physical activity. Additionally, young individuals consume a great deal of junk foods that are satiated with fat, cholesterol and sugar.

What is the solution to raising healthier children and adolescents? First of all, only two hours are recommended for children to watch television daily. After recent studies were conducted in 2005, it discovered that for every extra hour of weekend television at age five increased the chance of obesity at age thirty by seven percent. Believe it or not, Americans actually spend $33 billion annually on weight loss products and services. Perhaps, this has not proven effective. Secondly, the interactive dietary guidelines were implemented by the USDA in April 2005.

These guidelines suggest that total fat intake should be limited between 30 to 35 percent of calories for children two to three years of age. In children and adolescents four to eighteen years of age, the total fat consumption should remain between 25 to 35 percent of calories. Most fats are recommended to derive from sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids such as fish, nuts and vegetable oils.

As a parent of young children, you should provide as much guidance regarding the proper intake of foods. For example, you could start training your kids at an early age to eat healthy or replace junk food with healthy snacks. And it is just as important to encourage physical activity by taking the child on family walks. If your child is struggling with obesity, provide complete parental support and utilize any of these recommended solutions.

Learn about the prevalence of teen weight issues and what we can do to help at:
Weight Loss Teenagers.


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